In the world of comic books, two giants, Marvel and DC, are often seen borrowing ideas from each other. This causes lively discussions and debates among fans about who “stole” this or that hero from whom. Like Coca-Cola and Pepsi, these publishers are like eternal rivals who don’t mind sneaking a peek at their competitor’s successful ideas. Next, you’ll learn about the most famous comic book characters who are copies of each other, who appeared first, and how the mutual influence of the characters affects comic book culture.

Aquaman and Namor – The Underwater Kings

DC’s Aquaman and Marvel’s Namor have the unique ability to control sea creatures. Namor was created first, making his debut in October 1939. Aquaman did not appear in the pages of comic books until two years after Nemor, in November 1941. Both of these characters portray kings of lost underwater kingdoms and wear similar royal robes.

Green Arrow and Hawkeye – Archers Without Superpowers

Green Arrow and Hawkeye are both archery masters without any superpowers. Green Arrow was created much earlier, in 1941. Hawkeye didn’t appear in Marvel Comics until 1964, 23 years after his predecessor. Both heroes use a variety of arrows with unique properties in battle.

Deadpool and Deathstroke – Assassins With Healing Factors

Marvel’s Deadpool and DC’s Deathstroke have the ability to heal wounds quickly. Deathstroke appeared a decade earlier than Deadpool, with his first appearance dating back to 1980. Deadpool, which was created in 1991, is often considered a comedic version of the more serious Deathstroke. Interestingly, the real names of these characters are very similar: Deathstroke’s real name is Slade Wilson and Deadpool’s real name is Wade Wilson.

Catwoman and Black Cat – Feline Thieves

DC’s Catwoman and Marvel’s Black Cat are both slick and dodgy thieves. Catwoman made her comic book debut much earlier, in 1940. Black Cat appeared in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man in 1979. Both characters wear cat-inspired costumes and use their skills to commit theft.

Superman and Hyperion – Almost Twins

DC’s Superman and Marvel’s Hyperion have strikingly similar origin stories and abilities. Superman was created first, making his debut in 1938. Hyperion was introduced in Marvel Comics in 1969 and his story is strongly reminiscent of Superman’s. Both heroes came to Earth from exploding worlds and get their powers from the sun.

Doctor Fate and Doctor Strange – Masters of Mysticism

DC’s Doctor Fate and Marvel’s Doctor Strange are the leading magical characters in their respective universes. Doctor Fate appeared in 1940, significantly earlier than his Marvel counterpart. Doctor Strange debuted in 1963 and quickly became one of the most famous magicians in comics. Both use magic to protect reality and fight the forces of evil.

Clayface and Sandman – Masters of Transformation

DC’s Clayface and Marvel’s Sandman use their transforming bodies to fight. Clayface first appeared in 1940, while Sandman debuted in 1963. Both characters can reshape their bodies to create different weapons and tools. They display similar abilities, but Clayface was created first.

Black Panther and Red Lion – Kings of Africa

Marvel’s Black Panther and DC’s Red Lion are the leaders of African nations. Black Panther appeared in 1966, while Red Lion was only introduced in 2016. Both characters wear big cat inspired costumes and defend their countries. Although Red Lion is a clear copy of Black Panther, his story and motivations are different.

Robin and Bucky – The First Sidekicks

DC’s Robin and Marvel’s Bucky were the first sidekicks of the main characters of their respective universes. Robin debuted in 1940 and Bucky appeared a year later in 1941. Both were created as teenage characters to appeal to a younger audience. Over time, each developed into a character in their own right, going through changes and their own trials.

Thanos and Darkseid – Titans of Destruction

Marvel’s Thanos and DC’s Darkseid are powerful villains seeking to dominate the universe. Darkseid was introduced in 1970, while Thanos appeared in 1973. Both characters are known for their plans of destruction and manipulation. Thanos and Darkseid exhibit similar traits, but each has unique abilities and motivations.

Final Thoughts

In the world of comics, Marvel and DC are often inspired by each other, creating characters that are sometimes remarkably similar. This leads to interesting debates among fans and adds an extra layer of rivalry between the two publishers. 

While some characters are obvious copies, many of them eventually develop unique traits and deep histories that set them apart from their prototypes. This mutual “borrowing” can be seen not only as a way of competition, but also as a method of creative inspiration that allows the boundaries of the genre to be pushed. 

As a result, each new character enriches the Marvel and DC universes, making the world of comics even more diverse and exciting.